At the beginning of this blog, I gave some history of my earlier trips in France and my impression. As I have a bit of a binary mind, I wrote lists of things “good” or “bad” that I found in France. However, one thing I just noted without judgment, which I requote now:
“And, neither a pro or a con but something I noticed: people make out here a lot.”
Ok, the observation holds. People do make out here a lot more than in America. And, when it happens, it isn’t only restricted to the young. For instance, one day I was walking along following a couple around my age, who were holding hands. All of a sudden, they stopped walking and started a deep, slow kiss in the middle of the sidewalk. Now, I have just never seen this in America. But, I would like to say that I have formed a judgment, which is: It’s great! Americans – particularly past their 20s – have a distaste for the PDA (public display of affection). Mais, pourquoi? It is so sweet and passionate and life-affirming. Thus, I say, more French kissing in America now!