Friday, July 18, 2008
The French reputation is just wrong
Every time I come to France, I am always struck by the huge gulf between the reputation of the French and my reception here. As I said in an earlier blog, French people are nice – really nice. Not rude, not snobby, not reluctant to help – but, in fact, the very opposite. Very polite, very down to earth and very, very willing to help you if you have a problem. The first person we met (outside of airport or train personnel who were – yes – nice) was a very gallant man of around 80. We just arrived from the airport and were in the lobby of our apartment building looking confused. He immediately offered assistance and advice and, then, asked us to come back to tea soon. Wasn’t that swell? (Tea is planned for today at 5:00 pm.) And so it has continued. I am sure there are rude French folks somewhere out their lurking but I just wanted to say, again, and for the record – I love France and the French, Paris and Parisiens.