Thursday, August 21, 2008

Last trip blog (in English)

Well, I am on the plane to the USA. This, therefore, will be the final English language blog of this trip. (As you can infer, I will do a post in French as well.) However, I have sort of liked doing this so I think I will continue it during our Hawaii trip. We are gone from September 16 – January 13th.

I thought I should add to my list of a things I like better in France (and Germany) as my final blog.

1. Trash can technology – in both the last two places I stayed, you open a door, the trash can comes out and the lid opens. Now, we probably have these trash cans somewhere in the US – but everyone was amused that I liked them so much as they are normal in Europe.

2. Toilet technology - I believe that the Japanese and Koreans are the world leaders here, but Europe has quickly adopted really good toilets that use very little water. We are way behind.

3. Lights on timed switches or motion detectors in hallways and stairwells - Every place we stayed, the lights in public halls and stairwells were off unless one actively turned on the switch (but it would turn off soon after) or a motion detector that also went off quickly. Why do we leave lights burning all the time in the same situation?

4. You have to bring your own bag to a grocery store or pay for a bag. Therefore, everybody brings there own bag and paper/plastic isn’t wasted.

5. In Paris, you must open the door on the subways. In every American subway that I have been on, all the doors open automatically at every stop. Now, I am stupid when it comes to subway technology – but I bet it uses less energy the French way.

6. All the toll takers in France are so nice! (This is a repeat but it delights me so much.) We went through about 14 tolls booths. They always say “Bonjour” or “Bonsoir”. They always say “Merci”. I don’t know about you – but, in America, I always say hello to the toll taker and thank you after they take the money and they never respond. They look so sour. We need French toll-takers!